Zelchenko Vsevolod V.

Vsevolod V. Zelchenko was born in 1972 in Leningrad. In 1994, he graduated from the Department of Classics at St. Petersburg State University. From1994-1997, he studied in a doctoral programme in that same Department. In 2003, he obtained his Ph. D. degree in Classics (“The Creative Works of Erinna in the Context of Classical Literature”).
Since 1994, he has worked in the Department of Classics at St. Petersburg State University (currently as a docent). He teaches courses in the ancient Greek and Latin language and lectures on Classical civilization. Since 1994, he has taught at the Gymnasium Classicum Petropolitanum. From1999-2008, he was advisor of the Board of Classics of the Gymnasium. Currently he is vice-principal of the school. In 2004, he was awarded a Vladimir Potanin Fellowship. In 2004 (summer), he she was a visiting scholar at the Fondation Hardt pour l’etude de l’antiquite classique (Vandoeuvres–Geneve. He received the prize of the contest for the best teacher of 2006 (jointly with the Board of Teachers of Classics of the Gymnasium Classicum Petropolitanum). He is a member of the editorial boards of the almanac “The Ancient World and Us (Classical Heritage in Europe and Russia)” and of the annual “Abaris (Magazine of the Friends of the Gymnasium Classicum Petropolitanum).” His research interests are Hellenistic and Roman poetry.