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14 November 2013 19:00

Lecture by Natalie Pavlichenko

Lecture by Natalie Pavlichenko "A new lead letter from Patraeus" 

18 June 2012

Meeting at the Bibliotheca Classica

A meeting to hear reports and elect new officials was held at the Bibliotheca Classica. Jekaterina Basargina, Jekaterina Druzhinina, Nadia Jijina, Tatiana Shaburiana, and Vera Zhizhina-Hefter were proposed as new members of the Society. Members of the Bibliotheca Classica elected the board of administration (Alexander Verlinsky, Alexander Gavrilov, Anatoly Ruban, Olga Budaragina, Denis Keyer).

01 June 2012 17:00 - 18:00

Lecture by Claus-Jürgen Thornton "Martin Hengel als Forscher und Lehrer"

Claus-Jürgen Thornton, geboren 1958, S.T.M. und Dr. theol., lebt als Verlagsberater, freier Lektor und Übersetzer in Berlin. Zuletzt (2008) erschien im Verlag der Weltreligionen Christian Wieses und seine Übersetzung von Peter Schäfer, Weibliche Gottesbilder im Judentum und Christentum.

27 April 2012

Appearance of the 4th almanac "Ancient World and Us"

The first section of the Almanac originated as a joint project by Polish, German and Rus­sian scholars and is dedicated to the memory of the celebrated classicist Tadeusz Zieliński (Thaddaeus Zielinski, Фаддей Ф. Зелинский; 1859–1944), whose 150th birthday anniversary was celebrated in 2009. An attempt is made to understand Zielinski’s significance and impact in the context of three European cultures. Various facets of the subject are studied in essays by Jerzy Axer (Tadeusz Zieliński among Foreigners, trans. from Polish by I. Tatarova), Michael von Albrecht (Throwing Bridges between Cultures and Nations: Philologist Thaddaeus Zielinski, trans. from German by M. Rutz), and Alexander Gavrilov (Faddej F. Zielinski in the Context of Russian Culture). The main body of this volume consists of Zielinski’s Autobiography (Mein Lebenslauf) translated for the first time from German into Russian by Anatoly Ruban who has also contributed a full commentary on the text. Zielinski began writing his Autobiography in 1924, after he had emigrated from the Soviet Rusia in 1922. The manuscript was initially kept by Zielinski’s son Felix; later it was given to the family of his younger sister Cornelia Zielinski-Kanokogi who lived in Japan. In 1996, the Autobiography was brought to Poland where it was published in translation in 2005. This section also includes a preface to the first edition (2005) of Zielinski’s Diary by Anna Geremek (trans. from Polish by V. Budaragin). The Diary was kept by Zielinski during his last years – after he had left Poland in 1939 and until his death in Schondorf in 1944.

Appearance of "Russische klassische Altertumswissenschaft in der Zeit des Ministeriums für Volksaufklärung"

Russische klassische Altertumswissenschaft in der Zeitschrift des Ministeriums für Volksaufklärung. Žurnal Ministerstva Narodnogo Prosveščenija (ŽMNP): Annotiertes Verzeichnis der in den Jahren 1873-1917 erschienenen Beiträge / Zusammengestellt von Anatolij Ruban unter Mitwirkung von Ekaterina Basargina. – St. Petersburg: Bibliotheca Classica Petropolitana : Nestor-Verlag, 2012. – 248 p.

15 February 2012 16:00

Defence of the doctoral thesis of Sophia Jegorova

Defence of the doctoral thesis of Sophia Jegorova "Horace's Epodes. Textological analysis". Official opponents: Prof. Dr. Mikhael Pozdnev and Dr. Vladimir Mazhuga; Ph D supervisor - Prof. Dr. Valery Durov. Department of Classics, St Petersburg State University.

30 January 2012

28 November 2011 16:00

The Dmitry S. Likhachev Foundation Prize

Alexander Gavrilov was awarded the Dmitry S. Likhachev Foundation Prize (St. Petersburg) in the nomination "Preservation of museum, library and archive collections".

20 October 2011 16:00

104 meeting of the "Classics" Club

Lecture by Sonya Saveljeva (11th grade) " To the history of the word полунощный meaning 'nothern'.

23 September 2011

Lecture by Heinrich von Staden

Lecture by Prof. Heinrich von Staden (Princeton) “The physiology and therapy of anger in ancient Greek medicine”.

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