Desiderata Maxima


201. Scholia Demosthenica, ed. Dilts

vol. 1

202. Plotinus, ed. Henry-Schwyzer (ed. maior, Brill)

vol. I, III

203. Photius, Epistulae, ed. Laourdas – West

vol. I


204. Index ad Diogenem Laertium, ed. K. Janaček
205. Rathmann Gualt. (Walt.) Quaestiones Pythagoreae, Orphicae, Empedocleae. Diss. (Halle 1933) repr. Pythagoreanism II (Greek and Roman Philosophy vol. 33, Garland, 1987)
206. Philip J. A. Pythagoras and Early Pythagoreanism (1965, Phoenix Suppl.7)
207. Thesleff H. The Pythagorean Texts of the Hellenistic Period collected and edited (Acta Academiae Aboensis, ser. A, vol. 30, nr. 1.) (Åbo 1965)
208. Xenophanes, hrsg. von E. Heitsch
209. Lee H. D. P. Zeno of Elea (1936)
210. Bignone E. Empedocle (Torino 1916)
211. Gulley N. The Philosophy of Socrates (New York 1968)
212. Sykutris J. Die Briefe des Sokrates und der Sokratiker (Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums, Bd. 18, H. 2) (Paderborn 1933)
213. Cross R. C., Woozley A. D. Plato’s Republic: A Philosophical Commentary (1964)
214. De Vries G. J. A Commentary on the Phaedrus of Plato
215. Pasquali G. Le lettere di Platone (Firenze 1938, nouv. ed. 1967)
216. Hackforth R. The Composition of Plato's Apology (Cambridge 1933)
217. Ritter C. Neue Untersuchungen über Platon
218. Hardie W.F.R. A Study in Plato (Oxford 1936)
219. Shorey P. What Plato said (non-abridged edition)
220. Crombie I. An Examination of Plato’s Doctrines, vol. 1
221. Allen R. E. Plato’s Euthyphron and the Early Theory of Forms (New York 1970)
222. Riginos A. Platonica
223. Moline Jon, Plato’s Theory of Understanding (Madison1981)
224. Dörrie H. – Baltes M. (Ed.) Die philosophische Lehre des Platonismus Bd. 1–6, Index
225. Dörrie H. Platonica Minora
226. Bignone E. L’Aristotele perduto e la formazione filosofica di Epicuro, vol. I–II (2 ed.)
227. Mansion A. Introduction à la Physique Aristotelicienne (2 ed., 1947)
228. Mansion S. Le jugement d'existence chez Aristote 2. éd. revue et augmentée (Louvain 1976)
229. Gauthier R.A., Jolif J.Y. L’éthique à Nicomaque, 2 ed., vol. 1 - 4
230. Fragstein A. von, Studien zur Ethik des Aristoteles (Amsterdam 1974) 475 SS.
231. Donini, P. L’Etica dei Magna Moralia (Torino: Giappichelli 1965).- XII, 249 pp.
232. Weil R. Aristote et l’histoire: Essai sur la Politique (Paris 1960)
233. Defourny M. Aristote, Etude sur la ‘Politique’ (1932)
234. Johnson C. Aristotle’s Theory of the State (London 1990) 194 pp.
235. Levi M.A. Commento storico alla Respublica Atheniensium di Aristotele (Varese - Milano 1968)
236. Maddoli, G. Cronologia e storia. Studi comparati sull’ Athenaion Politeia di Aristotele (Perugia 1975)
237. Aristoteles Latinus

vol. I/6-7; III/1-4; VI/1-3; VII/1-2; IX/1; XI/1 - 2; XVII; XXV; XXVI/3, 4; XXIX; XXXI; XXXIII

238. Steinmetz P. (ed.) Theophrast, Charaktere, Bd. I–II
239. Dragona-Monachou M. The Stoic Arguments for the Existence and the Providence of the Gods
240. Van Straaten M (ed.) Panaetius, Fragmenta
241. Alesse F. (ed.) Panezio di Rodi, Testimonianze (1997)
242. Laffranque M. Poseidonios d’Apamee (Paris 1964)
243. Di Marco M. (ed.) Timone di Fliunte: Silli (Roma 1989)
244. Bickel E. Diatribe in Senecae philosophi fragmenta Vol. I. Fragmenta De matrimonio (1915)
245. Diano C. Scritti epicurei
246. Diano C. Epicuri Ethica et Epistulae
247. La scuola di Epicuro

vol. 1, 2, 8, 9, 10, 17

248. Capasso M. (ed.) Trattato etico epicureo
249. Croenert W. Kolotes und Menedemos
250. Vooijs C. J. Lexicon Philodemeum. Pt. 1–2.